Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
I just got notice that I will have the opportunity to present at SEPG in Portland in March! More to come on this.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
CMMI 1.3 is released
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:06 PM
Subject: CMMI Version 1.3 Now Available
From the SEI
Dear CMMI colleagues:
We are excited to announce the release of CMMI Version 1.3. Originally scheduled for November 1, this release includes updated model documents for CMMI for Development, Services, and Acquisition.
You can download the new model documents at the following addresses:
- CMMI for Development:
- CMMI for Services:
- CMMI for Acquisition:
The CMMI V1.3 Information Center ( also provides information about upcoming milestones in the CMMI V1.3 project, requirements for Partners and SEI-certified individuals, and links to other information about what you need to upgrade to CMMI V1.3.
We thank all of our Partners who have participated in reviews and worked with us to help to complete this new version, and we look forward to continuing to work with you as we prepare other CMMI V1.3 items for release.
Eileen Forrester
Manager, CMMI for Services
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Measurements gone bad
One of the process areas of CMMI is Measurement and Analysis.
You can go and read the model as to what it is specifically but here is the short of it: define measures that meet your information needs. And use them.
Unfortunately, in life and business, I see use of measures that make absolutely NO SENSE to your information needs. Let me provide you with some examples.
This morning I was meeting with a colleague of mine. He is preparing for a competition in amateur body building. He is pretty competitive in his class. We often share conversations about process models (like CMMI), people, tools and athletics. As he is a body builder and I am a runner, there are many things we do differently but there are many principled things we do the same.
For example, we both deal with the principle of a taper, but our approaches at a technical level are markedly different in how we do that. The mental discipline however to effectively get through the taper is very similar.
We also deal with a variety of measures throughout our training. For him, it is measures regarding size of muscles, body weight, percent body fat, how much weight he pushing in a workout, how many calories he is eating, etc. For me, it is about the miles I have put in, the pace I hit in a workout, the HR I managed over a workout, body weight, days at altitude, number of feet climbed (note – these are not comprehensive lists but they give you an idea).
We use these data to make informed decisions about how our training has progressed and in which direction we ought to take it. The data serves as a dashboard of measures. At any point in the training cycle, one element of the dashboard may be slightly out of whack as we look to refine the system for more optimal performance. We iterate through these measures, consider them, recalibrate them, change their expectations and may add or eliminate certain ones.
But ultimately, they help drive to a singular goal – peak performance on a specific event day. For me a race, for him a posing competition.
As I was asking him about his upcoming competition, and how lean he currently is, he noted how his BMI (body mass index) will often categorize him as overweight, or even obese. I can tell you that any body that can see would never come to such a conclusion.
But we have this measure called BMI that is used to calculate such things and in many places it is used. Does not make any information sense, but hey – it works for a lot of folks so it has to work here too.
Clearly stupid.
Similarly in business I see the use of measures in a one size fits all type approach. Ask any engineer about their thoughts on defects per KLOC and they will probably give you an earful.
Now this is NOT to say that everybody gets to define any measure they want for their needs when they want. In fact, some level of standardization is completely relevant. In a race, it the time the clock says at the end of the race. In a posing competition, it is what the judges rank you. For most businesses it ends up as a bottom line on your financials. Some level of standardization across a business makes sense for the purposes of clarity in speaking to each other and your customers.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
CMMI is indeed a waste of time
You heard it here first.
The article reminds me of folks who define a physical fitness goal in terms of their weight. The weight is the same thing as a CMMI rating. They are not sure how they are going to get to that weight, or why, or even if it is a good idea really – but dagblamit, they need to lose 30 pounds.
Instead of focusing on business goals, or in this analogy, their fitness, they focus on a rating or their weight.
Neither is successful. We know that weight loss programs almost invariably have their participants bounce back on their pre diet weights, unless they are focused on a broader health and fitness initiative. My observation is that those who focus on CMMI ratings may also achieve those ratings, but also bounce back to their pre CMMI initiative behavior.
Which all is to say – you have to do things for the right reasons or you won’t do them.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ten Most Important Ideas in Software Development
Recently (re)read this as I am told I will get to hear Mr. McConnell speak in a couple of weeks. Good reading.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
First post for GZ at work
Now why would I ever want to take a blog that is predominantly about running and pollute it with elements from my work?